tibia damage calculator

|earth +8%, fire -8% |16 |magic level +3 | |300 |25.00 |40.00 | | |physical +8%, fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% |32 |fire +6%, ice -6% | ||Ring of Souls (Depleted) |23 | |knights|Fiery War Hammer |sorcerers and druids|Dragon Scale Legs | | | ||Pair of Old Bracers |7 |7 |10 ||Hellforged Axe ||Snakebite Rod |paladins|Ball Gown | | |6 | | |95 |energy +10% | |death +3% | |0 ||Earth War Axe |42.00 |29.00 | |3.00 | ||Rhodolith Necklace ||Mythril Axe | ||Depth Lorica | |180 ||Jade Hammer |sword fighting +3 |10 | ||Earth Crystal Mace | | ||Tempest Shield | |sorcerers and druids|Golden Legs | | | |22 | | ||Ravager's Axe ||Boots of Homecoming (Used) |19 |40.00 | ||Earthborn Titan Armor | | | |9 ||Energy Ring | |24 |12.00 |9 |knights and paladins|Fiery Rainbow Shield | | | | |37 | |8 | |29 |2.00 |paladins|Pirate Shirt | |knights|Soultainter |19 | | ||Earth Orcish Maul ||Crocodile Boots |20 | |19 |250 |2 |1 |druids|Falcon Wand | | |knights|Cobra Club | | | |35 | |axe fighting +3, Cleave 3% | | ||Earth Knight Axe | | ||Shapeshifter Ring ||Little Big Flower Lamp (Lit) | |ice +5%, energy -5% ||Tiara of Power |19.00 |56.00 There are two main kinds of damage: Physical Damage and Magical Damage. |1.05 | | |100 |300 |2.00 |2 | |91.00 Desired skill. |39 ||Seashell Lamp | |18 |0 | ||Pair of Soulstalkers | |knights|Zaoan Armor | |physical +5%, earth +5% |9.00 |60 | | | | |sorcerers|Demon Armor | | | |25.00 | |59.00 |21 | |0 |4.00 |0 |earth +8%, fire -8% | |knights|Crude Umbral Blade ||Velvet Mantle |123.00 |magic level +1 Best answer I took these fromulas from tibiawikia Melee: Min= lvl/5 Max=0.085datkskill+lvl/5 atk = Weapon's attack d = Damage Factor: Full Attack: 1 Balanced: 0.75 Full Defence: 0.5 Whirlwind Throw: min: (skill+atk)/3+lvl/5 max: skill+atk+lvl5 avg: (max+min)/2=2/3 (skill+atk)+lvl/5 Groundshaker: min: 0.5 (skill+atk)+lvl/5 |25 |knights|Earthheart Hauberk | | | | | |31.00 |3 ||Noble Armor | |65 ||Fiery Mystic Blade |54.00 |paladins|Rift Crossbow | ||Obsidian Zaoan Rook | |knights|Frostheart Hauberk |31 | These calculators require Javascript, |death +3% | | | | |0.90 | | |50 |145.00 |200 |37 |11 |5 | |knights|Naga Club |21 | | | | |fire +6% | |magic level +1 | |20.00 |8 |61.00 | | | | |death +5%, holy -5% |0 | | |75 |5.00 |39 |61.00 |knights|Fur Boots |3 | | | |16 | | ||Wereboar Loincloth |1 |death +3% |paladins|Arcane Staff | | | | allows you to engage in meaningful conversations with NPCs in the game. |sorcerers|Demon Legs | |1 | |37.00 | |6.10 | | | | |80 | | | | | | |2 |23.00 |knights|The Shield Nevermourn |5.00 | |knights and paladins|Gill Legs | |80 |fire +12%, ice -12% | |300 ||Studded Helmet |17 |knights|Wooden Sword |19.89 |6.00 |100.00 |60 | | |400 | | |150 |4 |physical +2% |42.00 |100 | |220 | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Spirit Cloak | |18 | |sorcerers and druids|Pair of Nightmare Boots ||Lamp | | |paladins|Longsword | ||Ring of Blue Plasma |29.50 | | | | | | |50 |29 | |270 |knights|Rift Bow Cookie Notice |25 |15 |6 | |6.00 | ||Luminescent Fungi (Unlit) | |8 | ||Energy War Axe |3 Transfer checker. |55.00 |earth +4% |knights|Lion Hammer | | |death +5% | | | |knights|Dragonbone Staff | ||Templar Scytheblade | ||Pair of Iron Fists | |4.50 |150.00 |magic level +4 | | | | |5.00 |55.00 |magic level +2 | | |250 | |250 |20 |250 |25 | | |30 |7 | | | | Lucky you hehehe, I wish tibia-stars calculated crit damage also. |145.00 |magic level +1, perfect shot +20 at range 3 |20 |200 |knights|Falcon Circlet |11.00 | |200 |paladins|The Epiphany and TibiaME are trademarks of CipSoft GmbH. |35 ||Sleep Shawl | | |130 |60.00 ||Odd Hat |48.00 | |5.60 | |2 |25 |paladins|Twiceslicer | | | | | | | Tibiastats spell damage was last updated in 2009, wiki formulas were last updated in 2012. |145.00 | ||Snake God's Sceptre | | |physical +7% , ice +15% |physical +6% | |58.00 |knights|The Calamity | | |16 | ||Ferumbras' Staff (Blunt) ||Rainbow Torch ||Glooth Whip | |65 | | |26.00 |65.00 |8.50 | |20 |25.00 | |68.00 |3 |sword fighting +3, axe fighting +3, club fighting +3, 13 damage reflection |hard drinking | | |26 | |knights and paladins|Falcon Greaves Forge simulator. | |physical +4% |25 | | |3 | | |earth +5%, fire -5% |5.00 ||Silver Mask |250 |distance fighting +2 ||Mathmaster Shield | | | |physical +5%, fire +6%, ice -10% |distance fighting +1 ||Earth Mystic Blade |knights|Fiery Heroic Axe |distance fighting +4 | | |knights|Epee |17 | | ||Lit Small Lamp | | ||Traditional Stein |14 | | | |5 |0.90 | | |physical +6%, fire +10% |sorcerers|Shiny Blade | |sorcerers and druids|Mage's Cap Instead going to use a custom formula based on TibiaStats results that seems more accurate than TibiaWiki for now, it is going to be an ongoing project to make it closer and closer to what we see in game. | | | | | ||Obsidian Truncheon | | The official | | | | | ||Strange Mallet agree to their use. | | | |24.50 |sorcerers and druids|Mastermind Shield |200 |250 |5 |220 | |58.00 ||Skullcrusher | |knights|Glooth Club |63.00 | | |0 |28.50 ||Little Big Flower Lamp (Unlit) | |27 When selecting the other types the time and cost will be calculated assuming total usage of the weapons, which may be far superior to the time/cost required to get a certain skill. ||Axe of Destruction |sorcerers|Katana | | ||Mino Lance |0 | |400 |physical +5%, earth +5% | |6 | |55.00 | | | |24 |150.00 | | | |distance fighting +2 |12 | | | The first effect, Onslaught (Fatal), is applied to weapons and grants a chance to add 60% damage with each attack, similar to critical damage.The second effect, Ruse (Dodge), is applied to armor and grants a chance to dodge incoming attacks, similar to the Dodge charm rune . | | |91.00 | |18 | |21 | | | | |50 |12 |8 ||Earth Barbarian Axe |230 ||Furious Frock |life drain +20% |druids|Lion Wand |40 | | | | ||Family Signet Ring | ||Calopteryx Cape |distance fighting +4 | |26 How much (constant) damage is dealt by field runes, e.g. | | | |0.80 |45.00 | | | |paladins|Shimmer Rod | |36.00 |11.00 | |3.80 |0.85 |6.00 | |druids|Unliving Demonbone |180 | |400 |sorcerers and druids|Trousers of the Ancients |150 | |30 | ||Obsidian Zaoan Bishop |20 ||Luminescent Fungi (Lit) | |80.00 | | | | | |6.00 |10.00 |45.00 | | | | |physical +3%, ice +7% | |50.00 The tool assumes: | |60 | | | | |11 |44.00 This page is protected to prevent harmful edits. | | | | |paladins|Toga Mortis | |sword fighting +3 I have adjusted it to use the new character level bonus scale. | | | | | |48.00 |knights|The Avenger | | ||Pumpkinhead | |65 |40.00 | |15 | | | | |38.00 | ||Icy Barbarian Axe | | | | | | | |paladins|Yetislippers | ||Club of the Fury |110.00 | | |12 | | | |5.00 | |24 ||Silver Necklace | | |17 | ||Broken Iks Headpiece | | | ||Christmas Branch Stamina calculator. |knights|Living Armor |200 | | |19 | |50.00 |3 |12 |50.00 | |37 |70 | | ||Blister Ring |79.00 ||Kitchen Lamp |40 | | ||Horseman Helmet | |150 | |6 |10 |0 | | |70 |39 | | |12.20 | | | | | | | I have just updated my site and added a new section for the character damage calculator. |29.00 |40 | |230 | |22 |15 | | | ||Winged Helmet | that calculator doesnt work properly or it doesnt apply for the classic tibia as I made 15 more dmg than the calculator said with HMM.. Share this topic with: Share. ||Dragon Necklace |22.50 | | | Tibia and all products related to Tibia are copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. | |knights|Hammer of Wrath | |60 |20 |distance fighting +2, shielding +2 |60.00 | | | | |75 | Please note the game added a mitigation stat that even the weakest creature can reduce 1 damage with a really low mitigation value. | |knights|Ragnir Helmet ||Noble Axe |18 | |18 | ||Royal Crossbow | | |knights|Cobra Wand | | | |10 | | ||Devourer Core | | | |10 | |9 |0.90 | |45 |4.50 | | | |13 |35.00 | | | |85.00 |126.00 |9 | | Damage types are represented by different colors on the game window so you might identify them. |45 | |distance fighting +1 | |9 ||Golden Hyaena Pendant |16 | |120.00 |28.50 | |120.00 |15.00 |61.50 |31 | | | |13.00 | | |85.00 | |21 |35.00 ||Filled Receptacle |physical +5%, ice +5% | | | | | |60 |axe fighting +3 | | | |270 |distance fighting +4 | |knights|Umbral Mace |400 | | |0 |65.00 | |21.00 |55 |earth +8%, fire -8% | | |130 | ||Jade Zaoan Knight |59.00 |40.00 ||Cobra Axe | |sorcerers and druids|Spike Shield | | | |5.60 |17 | |34.00 | | |magic level +2 |6.00 ||Life Ring |50.00 | |9 |paladins|Umbral Hammer | ||Assassin Dagger | | | |35.00 |sword fighting +1 Automatic calculator to distribute waste and profit in a team hunt. |22.00 |3.80 | | |63.00 | | | | Magical Damage cannot be blocked, and the damage it inflicts is not reduced by the target's armor. Level calculator. |19.00 | |58.00 ||Stone Skin Amulet | ||Black Candle Exp required to level (e.g. | |8.05 |sorcerers|Eldritch Warmace | | |death +3% ||Daramian Axe | |paladins|Sandals | | | | | |15.00 |25.00 ||Strange Helmet | |230 |4.90 | | |distance fighting +2, holy magic level +1 | This is calculator for game: TIBIA, is calculating profit from Rune Making by magic professions like: Druid/Sorcerer, and display costs/profit/amount from Rune Maker. |7.50 | |0 | | |sword fighting +4, axe fighting +4, club fighting +4, 19 damage reflection Calculate the price of Tibia Coins by amounts, updated prices for Mexico. | | | |19 | |knights|Umbral Master Axe | |sorcerers and druids|Traditional Leather Shoes ||Demonrage Sword |24 | |earth +5% | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Girl's Dress | |axe fighting +4 | | | |energy +4% | | | | |41 | | | | ||Barrel and Anchor Lamp | ||Crossbow of Destruction | |80.00 ||Demon Shield |energy +8% |15 |energy +8%, earth -8% |sorcerers|Wand of Everblazing | | | | |sorcerers|War Axe | |knights|Havoc Blade ||Dwarven Legs |3.50 |earth +10%, fire -10% | |5 |0 |250 |magic level +4 | ||Ruby Necklace | | |41.00 | ||Shrunken Head Necklace |0.70 | | | |150 |5.00 |84.00 |35 |druids|Stitched Mutant Hide Legs |32 | | | |11 |9.50 |60 | |14 | | |2.70 |0 |sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 | ||Ghostsilver Lantern (Unlit) |25 |150 |energy +4% | |35.00 | | | |37 | |physical 7%, earth +24% |35.00 | |4.20 | |sorcerers and druids|Enchanted Turtle Amulet | | | | | |5.00 ||Heart Lamp (Four) |80 |sorcerers and druids|Mighty Helm of Green Sparks |fire +3%, ice -3% |magic level +3 | Physical Damage is inflicted by melee attacks and Distance Weapons, as well as some runes and spells. | | |33 | |68.00 | | |fire +8% |5 ||Crown Helmet |60.00 |sorcerers and druids|Firesoul Tabard |sorcerers and druids|Falcon Coif | - the Tibian Heuristic Artificial Intelligence System T.H.A.I.S. |185 |7.50 |energy +10% |80.00 |50 | |63.00 | Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | |club fighting +4 | | | | |0 Guilds in Tibia: 2735 People in guilds: 210981 Random guild: Exemplary Citizens The most guilds: Antica (122) The least guilds: Zuna (1) Avg . |14 ||Golden Amulet ||Moon Mirror |knights|Twin Hooks |distance fighting +2 |sorcerers and druids|Lion Plate |25 | |sorcerers and druids|Zaoan Helmet I have adjusted it to use the new character level bonus scale. |5.00 ||Northern Star | | | | | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4%, holy +4%, death +4% | ||Midnight Sarong |38.00 | |0 | | | | |6.00 | |31 |paladins|Umbral Master Hammer |35 |66.00 |13 |15.00 |80 | |axe fighting +1 | | |35.00 |9 |60 | | | |druids|Molten Plate | | |12 | |16 | |48.00 |paladins|Enchanted Theurgic Amulet Type your level in the top, then see how the damage of every spell changes for each magic level. ||Blue Sphere | | |0 |35 ||Glorious Axe |34.00 |25 |18 for example a lvl 100 with ML 50 deals more dmg than a lvl 80 with the same ML? |magic level +4 |6 |knights|Phantasmal Axe | |knights|Studded Armor |150 | | |physical +3%, earth +7% ||Bone Sword | | |earth +5%, fire -5% | | | | To avoid this verification in future, please. |145.00 |10 | |36 | | |75 |0 |fire magic level +1, ice magic level +1, earth magic level +1, energy magic level +1 |22 |15.00 | | |35 |earth +4% |300 | |18.00 |5.00 |2.00 | | | | |faster regeneration | |19.00 | |26.50 | | |12.00 | | | | | |knights|Earth War Hammer |8 | ||Plague Bite To use, clear your Server Log and look all your loots, paste the info here. Forge simulator. |1.50 | ||Demon Helmet ||Greenwood Coat ||Depth Scutum | |75 | |10 |400 |3.30 There are also Creatures Immune to all Damage Types which means you can't hit them with any melee weapon, distance weapon, rod, wand, spell or rune. |180 |29 | |sorcerers and druids|Glacier Mask |5.00 ||Embrace of Nature |knights|Enchanted Werewolf Helmet (Distance) |17 Tibia Hunt Finder, Calculators and Events Calendar | Intibia. | | |37.00 |59.00 ||Krimhorn Helmet | | |69.00 |knights|Earth Headchopper | ||Gill Necklace | | | |ice +2% |0.40 | | ||Ornate Chestplate | | | |magic level +4, earth magic level +1, Magic Shield Capacity +80 and 8% |69.00 |35.00 |druids|Glooth Axe |death +7% |49.00 | | ||Starlight Vial | |120.00 |5.50 |paladins|Flower Dress we find you players who can share with you. | | | |29 |29.00 |sword fighting +3 | | |energy +7%, ice -2% |7.00 | | ||Serpent Sword | | | | EDIT:: It's been brought to my attention that this doesn't match tibiastats at higher levels. | |0.60 |60 | ||Axe |magic level +3 | |club fighting +4 ||Energy Mystic Blade |59.00 | ||Rose Shield | |23.00 | |61.50 |0 | |27.00 | |120 Note that while Magic Shield or Energy Ring are active, all damage taken by manapoints will show the same color. | |7.00 |speed +15, distance fighting +1 |4.00 | |2 |6.66 | | |7 | |21.00 | |0 |61.00 |magic level +1 | |145.00 | |80 ||Terra Legs | |120.00 |club fighting +3 |13 |30 | | | | Scan this QR code to download the app now. |35.00 |10.00 |club fighting +3 This kind of damage can be sometimes blocked by the target's Shielding . | ||Shield of Endless Search | |82.00 |25 |11.00 |sword fighting +4 | |4.55 |25.00 |25.00 |81.00 |knights|Umbral Axe |physical +3%, earth +14% | | | |17.00 |25 | |30.00 | | | ||Medusa Shield | | ||Sea-devil Wall Lamp (Lit) |1.00 |shielding +3 | | | |7.50 | ||Coat |34 |35 |13 | | |club fighting +2 ||Strange Good Night Songs |4.00 | ||Shroud of Despair ||Exotic Legs |39.00 | | |18.00 |1 |sorcerers and druids|Golden Crown | |20 | | | | |fire +5% |180 ||Orcish Maul | | |99.00 | |5.00 |8.40 ||Exotic Amulet |ice +2% |paladins|Falcon Longsword | | ||Crystal Lamp | |5.00 | |death +6%, holy -3% | | |72.00 | |25 | | Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine: Email me if a comment is added after mine. ||Stone of Wisdom | | | |35 | |druids|Snowball |400 |magic level +2 |1 |100 | |15 | |ice +12%, energy -12% | ||Porcelain Mask | ||Ornate Shield | | |68.00 | | This website is a work in progress. |2.00 |120 | |120 | | |11 | | | |0 | ||Ornamented Brooch |1 | | | |62.00 | | ||Fiery Spike Sword | | |5.00 | |60 |70.00 |speed +10 | ||Gloomy Poisonous Fungi (Unlit) |sorcerers and druids|Gnome Helmet |20 |20.00 |34 | |0.80 | |60 |32.00 |earth +3%, fire -3% |18.00 |32.00 | | |20 | |4.10 |, | |100 | | | |25 | | | | | |102.00 |48.00 |knights and paladins|Falcon Shield |16 | |75 |0 | |100 |18 |200 | |fire +4%, earth +4%, energy +4%, ice +4% |250 |axe fighting +1 |8 |druids|Charged Arcanomancer Sigil |ice +7%, energy -7% | |earth +4% | | |40 | ||Eldritch Folio |150 |0 Ghost, Pirate Ghost, Spectre, Phantasm and Dipthrah are some of the creatures that are immune to physical damage. | | ||Amazon Armor | |33 |energy +5%, earth -5% | |27.60 |17 | | |39.00 |0 |80 | |2 | |druids|One Hit Wonder | | ||Cranial Basher |sorcerer|Fiery Barbarian Axe |knights|Soulmantle | | | | ||Bronze Medal | |5 |knights|The Chiller ||Prismatic Necklace |45.00 | | | ||Skullcracker Armor | | |27 |36.00 |20 | | |55 | | | |20.00 | |0 Tibia character damage calculator. |18 |51.00 | ||Burial Shroud | | | | |0 | | | | | | | |105.00 | | | ||Obsidian Zaoan Queen | | | | | |sorcerers|Axe Ring |8 |28.00 | | | | | | | (damage * leech percentage), when you hit 6 monsters, you will Leech 150% (100% + 5 * 10%) Damage Dealt: Leech %: Number of monsters hit: Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! |34 | |80 |paladins|Mage Hat | | |5.00 |energy +4% |0 Current skill % to next. | | |8 | |16 | |paladins and without|Rift Shield | |paladins|Jungle Flail | | |shielding +1 |ice +8%, energy -8% |45.00 |knights|Crude Umbral Slayer |11 |27.00 |61.50 | | |10 | | |18.00 |knights|Icy Heroic Axe | | ||Turtle Amulet |18 | |250 |46.00 |22 |46.00 | | | |speed +10 |13.00 | ||Ferumbras' Hat | | | | ||Angelic Axe | | | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Mind Control ||Glowing Mushroom |15.00 |11 |1 | | ||Crimson Sword (Uzgod) | | | |60.00 | I want to know what is the formula to calculate the damage of each vocation , I mean for example I deal more damage if im more level? |club fighting +2 | ||Thaian Sword | ||Imbuing Crystal |85.00 ||Leaf Star |faster regeneration | |19.00 ||Ferumbras' Amulet |20.00 | | | | | Level limit is 4500. | ||Shamanic Mask | |0 | | | ||Tunic ||Brown Pit Demon | | | |200 |physical +13% | ||Ring of Wishes | |49.00 Chcesz wiedzie, ktra gildia w tibii jest najlepsza? |8 |75 |96.00 | |physical +6%, energy +10% ||Dream Blossom Staff We are an Official Tibia Fansite made for the whole community, here you will find guides, quest, calculators and a Q&A section for your questions. | | ||Ectoplasmic Shield | |30.00 | ||Sorcerer Test Weapon Test | | |28.00 |faster regeneration |1 ||Magma Monocle | |51.00 |druids|Spectral Dress | | | |mana drain +5% | |84.00 |6 ||Rainbow Necklace | |65 | |4.20 | | | ||Castle Shield |120.00 ||Depth Ocrea |30.00 | | The result is that the target loses Hitpoints (or Mana if using Magic Shield spell or an Energy Ring). |20 |30 |9 |physical +7%, fire +5% | |ice +7% |25 ||Devil Helmet | ||Leather Harness ||Umbral Master Chopper Age calculator. |66.00 | | ||Hunting Spear | |92.00 | |earth +2%, fire -2% | |1.20 | ||Mean Knight Sword | |82.00 ||Ancient Amulet (Quest) | | | ||Crown Armor | | ||Spirit Guide |22 | | | |14 |magic level +5 | |25.00 |20 | | | | ||Helmet of Ultimate Terror ||Demonbone ||Rainbow Amulet | |3.90 | |magic level +3 |knights|Terra Hood | | | | |31.00 | | | |magic level +2, energy magic level +2 |50 | | ||Dragon Eye (Replica) |9.50 | |250 |paladins|Dark Wizard's Crown ||Mystic Blade | | | ||Soldier Helmet | | |18.00 | | | | |knights|Small Stone | | | |magic level +3 | |37.00 |16 ||Pumpkinhead (Lit) |130 | |81.00 | |32.00 | |60.00 | | |6 | | | |65.00 |40 |distance fighting +4, magic level +2 |120 | | | Calculator to distribute profit in a team hunt. ||Flower Wreath | | | |400 |270 | ||Wand of Cosmic Energy Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://www.mityz.com/tibia/character/calculators, https://www.tibia.com/news/?subtopic=newsarchive&id=5836. |18 ||Icy Cranial Basher | | ||Silkweaver Bow |knights|Thundermind Raiment | | | |axe fighting +3, club fighting +3 |0 |5.00 ||Scarf | | | |without|Mean Paladin Spear |knights|Underworld Rod |magic level +1 | | | |druids|Makeshift Boots ||Spike Sword | |28.00 |45.00 |physical +4% |35 Stamina calculator. |13 | | | | |5.50 |death +8%, holy -8% |physical +2% |45.00 Tibiantis Info is a fansite of Tibiantis - 7.4 Open Tibia Server. | | ||Collar of Blue Plasma | | | T.H.A.I.S. | |28 |27 | |120 | | | | | | | | |58 | | |4 | |100 |13 |250 | |holy magic level +1 | | | |48.00 |paladins|Umbral Master Bow Test |30 |35 | ||Emerald Necklace |10.00 |30 | |60 | | |24.50 | | |60 |10 | |150 Damage Calculator (Experimental) Step 1: Select your vocation: Knight Paladin. Speed calculator. |magic level +2, faster Regeneration | ||Glooth Amulet | | |0 |15 |knights|Naga Crossbow |earth +5%, ice +5% | |5.00 | | | | |druids|Halberd | | |axe fighting +3, Cleave 3% |earth +8%, fire -8% |ice +5% |42 |90.00 | |ice +7%, fire -3% | | Tibia and all products related to Tibia are copyrighted by CipSoft GmbH. |sorcerers and druids|Golden Boots | |250 | |None|Emerald Sword | | | |2 ||Earth Blacksteel Sword | | |20 ||The Cobra Amulet ||Crude Umbral Spellbook |72.00 | | |34.00 |130.00 |knights|Eldritch Bow | | |knights|Sparking Rainbow Shield | |knights|Witchhunter's Coat |69.00 | |19.00 | ||Glowworms (Lit) |9 | |54.00 ||Tatty Dragon Scale Legs All values have to be looked at as tons of changes were made since the last version of the app. |axe fighting +4 | |ice +6% ||Solar Axe | |31 |knights and paladins|Lavos Armor | |40 |13.00 | ||Green Demon Armor |0 | |25.60 |45.00 | | | |31 | | | | | | ||Curly Hortensis Lamp (Unlit) | |140 | | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Vigilance |5.00 |22.50 |35 |15.00 Join our Discord channel to stay up-to-date! ||Charged Ghost Charm | |21 |knights|Lion Rod | ||Vampire Silk Slippers | |6.00 | |24.00 |88.00 ||Post Officer's Hat |80 | |11 |5 |, | | |physical +6% |5.00 |220 | | |200 | |28 |sorcerers|Wand of Vortex |5.20 |37.00 | | |5.00 | |75 |270 | | | discord.gg/f2hESCbgvz. | ||Tagralt Blade | | ||Cobra Crown | |distance fighting +2 |20 |46.00 | | | | |8 |35.00 |200 | |31.00 Physical Damage is inflicted by melee attacks and Distance Weapons, as well as some runes and spells. |52.00 ||Death Ring | |8.30 | | | | |25 | |0 |89.00 | |paladins|Golden Armor ||Swamplair Armor ||Iron Helmet |68.00 |38.00 | | | | |magic level +2 Unjustified kills. ||Werewolf Amulet ||Dark Lord's Cape |7.00 |paladins|Cowtana |axe fighting +2 |50 |36 | TibiaPal.com - Training Calculator. UPDATE 4: Decided to not follow TibiaWiki formula for EK spells. | |54.00 | | |distance fighting +4 | |knights|Rattling Gourd | | | ||Naga Axe |30 | | | | | | ||Light Mace | |33 | | | Use Calculator Gold Changer Ideal for calculating how many CT would cost you to buy GOLD in lukewarm Use Calculator Profit and Waste Calculator to distribute profit in a team hunt. | | | | | |270 | ||Guardian Shield | |20 |270 ||Stonecutter Axe |6.50 |distance fighting +1 |19.00 |0 |1.50 |0.40 |8.80 | |25.00 | |26.00 | |28.00 | | |8 |7 |25.00 |300 ||Icy Knight Axe |distance fighting +2 |knights|Bow | ||Daramian Waraxe |85.00 |45.00 | ||Note About Two Souls Spoiler (click here to show spoiler) Fill the data according to your character in P. . | |sorcerers|Alicorn Quiver | | |14 | | |19.00 | | | | |10.00 | | ||Mathmaster Shield (Replica) |magic level +4 | |0 |14 |0.90 | | | |46.00 |20 | | |2.00 | Armor See Armor Calculator . |1 | | | | |magic level +4, death magic level +1, Magic Shield Capacity +80 and 8% |75 |25 | | |100 | | |physical +5%, fire +5%, earth +5%, energy +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5% |death +3% |distance fighting +3 | |125.00 |110.00 |29.00 |48.00 | | | |37 |sorcerers and druids|Pair of Soft Boots |sword fighting +3, Cleave 3% | |40 |100 |paladins|Collar of Green Plasma | | ||Jungle Quiver | |120.00 |95.50 |knights and paladins|Feather Headdress |16 |70.00 | | | | |29.00 |7 |1 |8.20 ||Shield of Honour | | | |18 |75 ||Legion Helmet | | ||Terra Mantle ||Jade Amulet (Replica) |0 | |40 |200 | |knights|Crude Umbral Crossbow |7 For more information, please see our |270 |20 |physical +3%, fire +8% ||Ring of Secret Thoughts (Charged) |knights and paladins|White Dress | | | | |sorcerers and druids|Spellbook of Dark Mysteries | |8 | |270 |21 |41.00 ||Nightmare Shield | | | | ||Ring of Green Plasma | |9.00 ||Enchanted Staff |42.00 |40 | | |20 | | |150.00 |2.50 |59.00 | |12 |60 | | | | | | | |80.00 |sorcerers|Wand of Voodoo | |80 t = total armor d = damage (after the shield) p = percentage reduction of item Armor Reduction where denotes floor function (rounding down). |8 | | | ||Butcher's Axe | |48.00 | ||Fluorescent Fungi (Unlit) | |100 | |physical +15%, earth +10% |14 | | ||Throwing Star of Sula | |100 | |100 |knights|Glutton's Mace |0.80 |68.00 ||Blade of Destruction | |0 |physical +4% ||Curly Hortensis Lamp (Lit) |8 |29.00 |70.00 |sorcerers|Soulshell | |mana drain +20% |20 |37 |0 | |druids|Naga Sword |knights|Crystal Crossbow |14.00 | |energy +10%, earth -10% |knights|Energy Heroic Axe ||Stale Bread of Ancientness | |33 | | | ||Short Sword |9 | |sorcerers and druids|Glooth Cape |magic level +2, healing magic level +2 |0 | | | ||Depth Galea |magic level +2 ||Sweetheart Ring |23 | |3.90 |52.00 | |20.00 | |55 | | | | | |physical +6% | | | |9 ||Suspicious Device | |8 | | |8 | |9.30 |club fighting +3, Cleave 3% | | | | |earth +6%, fire -6% | |300 |85.00 | | ||Traditional Neckerchief ||Springsprout Rod |68.00 |250 | |10 | |5.70 | | | |60 |1 ||Dwarven Helmet |None|Broadsword ||Leather Legs |40.00 |99.00 | | ||Lightning Headband |42.00 | |20 |paladins|Star Amulet |250 |75 ||Crown |14 | | | | | |120 |120 | |90.00 ||Master Archer's Armor | |fist fighting +6 | | | ||Jerom's Family Necklace |200 |32 | | | | | | | | | |2 | | |95.00 | |29.00 | | |12 |6 |paladins|Hive Scythe |2 | |63.00 | |2 |7 ||Yol's Bow |28.50 |55.00 | | | | |1 |22.00 | | |sorcerer|Ferumbras' Staff (Failed) |club fighting +2 |sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3 | |0 | |7 | |energy +8%, earth -8% |60 |23 ||Terran Rainbow Shield | | Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. | | |24.00 | |knights|Claw of 'The Noxious Spawn' ||Glacier Amulet ||Light Rapier | |69.00 | |15.00 |120 |60 ||Icy Culottes |59.00 ||Noble Sword (Replica) |42.00 ||Zathroth' Redeemer |knights|Clerical Mace |2 |sorcerers and druids|The Crown of the Percht Queen (Fire) ||Vampire's Signet Ring | |15 |30.00 | You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. ||Energized Demonbone |35 You will find here a knowledge base, calculators and various statistics. |0.80 |68.00 |holy +8% ||Viking Helmet | | | | |fire +5%, earth +5%, energy +5%, ice +5%, holy +5%, death +5%, physical +5% | | | | |1 |200 |33.00 | | |23 | | ||Dark Wizard's Crown (Activated) |2 | | | | |22 | |physical +5% | |0 |0.40 |25.00 | | ||Helmet of the Ancients (Enchanted) | ||Eagle Shield | | | | |27.00 | |12 Privacy Policy. | |druids|Jungle Wand | |12.50 |druids|Staff | | |sorcerers|Wand of Defiance | | |40 | | | |85 |20 |46.00 ||Elven Amulet |5.00 | | ||Time Ring |energy +6%, earth -6% |45 | | |sorcerers and druids|Wood Cape

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