1 gram of antimatter explosion radius
[1], The paramount advantage of such a theoretical weapon is that antimatter and matter collisions result in the entire sum of their mass energy equivalent being released as energy, which is at least two orders of magnitude greater than the energy release of the most efficient fusion weapons (100% vs 0.4-1%). From some rough calculations with 10g of anti hydrogen, I came out at roughly a gigatonne of TNT's worth of energy - 1.2x10^22J. A merger of two black holes, resulting in the. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. But the point is: antimatter is the opposite of matter. Generating points along line with specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS. Speed it up enormously 3. "It would take us 10 billion years to assemble enough anti-stuff to make the bomb Dan Brown talks . That should be a pure gamma output initially, but I'm curious as to what would happen to the atmosphere - what will happen to that much energy, will fission happen and how much life will survive? [5][6][7][8], Where for example the comparison is by energy yield, an explosive's energy is normally expressed for chemical purposes as the thermodynamic work produced by its detonation. I rolled back the edit that added a formula at the end, which was the reason for my comment. It's one antiparticle per hour, approximately," Professor Doser says. Antimatter annihilation from anti-hydrogen is surprisingly messy: it will not be pure gamma rays. If the null hypothesis is never really true, is there a point to using a statistical test without a priori power analysis? Number 3 just a really big bang deep down. For a spherical blast wave, the change in pressure is: The above equation is known as the modified Friedlander equation, and it is used to calculate the change in pressure over time. The term "TNT equivalence" is a normalization technique for equating properties of an explosive to TNT, the standard. Joules. barrels of oil. What's happening is that the heat produce by the initial reaction with the surface of the chunk of sodium boils the water around it and drastically slows down the reaction. WAY too much. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Antimatter: how the worlds most expensive and explosive substance is made, Catch up with The Loop, your quick wrap of this morning's news. But this result isnt bizarre at allits simply a confirmation of earlier, but less precise, measurements of the antiprotons magnetic moment. For an explosion of TNT equivalent mass, WWW and scaled distance, ZZZ. So 1 mg 18F-FDG will produce about ~10^15 times as much annihilation energy as a single anti-proton (these are just rough estimates to get a feel for the magnitudes involved). In order to reach the core we would have to send it 4,000 miles down. The only reason they dont exist yet is because they just so expensive to make. Thanks for contributing an answer to Physics Stack Exchange! Learn how and when to remove this template message, Antimatter-catalyzed nuclear pulse propulsion, "Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons / Program was touted publicly, then came official gag order", "Laser technique produces bevy of antimatter", "Details on antimatter triggered fusion bombs - NextBigFuture.com", "Angels & Demons: The Physics Behind The Movie (and The Book)", "Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons: Program was touted publicly, then came official gag order", Page discussing the possibility of using antimatter as a trigger for a thermonuclear explosion, Paper discussing the number of antiprotons required to ignite a thermonuclear weapon, Safety of high-energy particle collision experiments, Existential risk from artificial intelligence, Self-Indication Assumption Doomsday argument rebuttal, Self-referencing doomsday argument rebuttal, List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events, List of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Antimatter_weapon&oldid=1139434888, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from August 2020, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2004, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 03:22. 1 gram of TNT = 2930.76 joules. Theviolence of an antimatterreactionwas clearly demonstrated when a tiny pinch of the stuff exploded over Vatican City in the fictional Dan Brown epic, Angels and Demons. ", "Beirut Blast: How does yield of 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate compare against Halifax explosion, Hiroshima bombing? Also, once in atmosphere, any attempt to shoot down will only damage the containment system and detonate the antimatter. You can think of it as matter's evil twin. Instead of wasting 1E28 joules in an antimatter explosion on the surface of Earth, how about a nice 1E20 J bomb set off in a carefully drilled hole inside 10 Hygiea -- wait a few months and let gravity do most of the heavy lifting (or falling in this case) when 10 Hygiea impacts the Earth. By Snell's law, determine the incident angle by using our angle of incidence calculator. The human body also releases antimatter. A Tsar Bomb? Use this specific gravity calculator to find the specific gravity of different materials and see whether they will float or sink. "Even in that hypothesis you'd still need a gram of antimatter, which would take 10 billion years to accumulate," Professor Doser says. The time of interaction is very short. For Starship, using B9 and later, how will separation work if the Hydrualic Power Units are no longer needed for the TVC System? This sounds like a good thing at first, but it just means that antimatter weapons could be seen as more politically acceptable, and therefore more likely to be used in warfare. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The universe began to cool and then expand. If you have an absurdly large fireball it will tend to spread more upwards (less pressure, longer mean-free path) and send a big plasma cloud up - bad from an electromagnetic pulse, ozone layer and IR energy igniting stuff perspective. But I mean, I'm leaning towards Star Trek being somewhat more accurate, they gloss over how Warp Drive works in the Original Series, but by the time The Next Generation came about in 1987 they explained how Warp Drive works, and then we had a working theory on the Alcubierre Drive by 1994. And based on what we know about this terrifying-sounding substance, the Universe probably shouldn't exist at all. During this interval, the pressure rises abruptly to a peak value and then decays exponentially over time. A typical blast wave has a high-pressure jump, which denotes the wavefront. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003: 88. Ubuntu won't accept my choice of password. Counting and finding real solutions of an equation. There is no nuclear bomb that comes close to the power this bomb would have. Supposing we had one antimatter bomb, how much antimatter would we need in order to completely blow up the Earth into millions of pieces. Some humans would probably survive this, though. At least when you think in other literature, something that could fit in your hand could destroy literally an entire country. Even on larger time scales, creating enough anti-matter to destroy the earth will still be very difficult without invoking the drop a rock strategy. Instead of exploding, it sputters and fumes and splits into pieces and generally makes a mess. The problem lies in the efficiency and cost of antimatter production and storage. There is no antimatter left in the Universe from the Big Bangthat we're aware of, he says. The blast radius for the 1 kg bare explosive detonation is 130 m. This answer is obtained by using the range safety equation, based on Hopkinson-Cranz Law: R = 130 W(1/3) = 130 1(1/3) = 130 m The intensity of the blast wave front is inversely proportional to the cube of the distance. These collisions produce precisely equal amounts of matter and antimatter. The positron has the same mass as an electron but with a positive charge, rather than negative. So yeah, how much antimatter would it take to level a house? Under controlled conditions one kilogram of TNT can destroy (or even obliterate) a small vehicle. This is generally ignoring the radiation effect of all the gamma rays, that might change the maths. It seems like 2, 200kg antimatter bombs, in short succession, dropped into the Yellowstone Caldera would be fairly certain to ignite a life ending volcanic eruption saving a trillion tons of antimatter, more or less. Or would it be similar to a Fat Man Bomb? Find out more about shock waves in our oblique shock calculator and Prandtl Meyer expansion calculator. The neutrinos will carry away a fraction of the energy but the rest will heat the vicinity into a fireball. This result eliminates one possible loophole that Big Bang cosmologists were hoping to exploit in an attempt to solve this longstanding problem with their model. For a period of time after the Big Bang there was only energy. Would one atom of antimatter be lethal if annihilated inside the brain? Antimatter is one of the most unstable substances in the world. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? StreamZones.com FineTunedUniverse.com GooToYou.com ICR.org (Article Credit), Big Bang Scientists: Universe Shouldn't Exist. This page was last edited on 21 April 2023, at 04:10. Indiana Jones level kill you immediately radiation dosage is about 100000 rads, so that's about 290,000 kg of antiprotons spread out evenly. "Bananas are a perfect unit for antimatter production. The positron has the same mass as an electron but with a positive charge, rather than negative. This high-pressure wave, i.e., the blast wave, travels until it interacts with an object and reflects back. The approximate radiant heat energy released during 3-phase, 600V, 100kA, Conventional bombs yield from less than one ton to, A real 0.454-kiloton-of-TNT (1.90TJ) charge at. This wave leads to an abrupt increase in pressure. But, taking the statement as accurate (and the source appears to be of generally high quality to me). The cost of creating antimatter like this makes it the world's most expensive substance. . The OP wanted it all in one bomb, so I told him his bomb must release at least that much energy. There are many hypothetical antimatter weapons, the most well known of which is the antimatter bomb. achieving the specified result. However for only $600,000 you could fit a 10 millionth of a gram of antimatter into a snipers bullet. The solar constant of the sun is 1370 watts per square meter and Earth has a, The solar constant of the sun is 1370 watts per square meter and Earth has a cross-sectional surface area of, 2022 Hunga TongaHunga Haapai volcanic eruption, total energy produced worldwide by all nuclear testing and combat, "Tons (Explosives) to Gigajoules Conversion Calculator", "Joules to Megatons Conversion Calculator", Blast effects of external explosions (Section 4.8. This law states that two identical explosives produce similar blast waves but have different sizes, given the conditions, geometry, and scaled distances are identical. All the galaxies, the clusters of galaxies, the stars, the planets, us. Note It is convention to use ton compared to short ton, net ton American or tonne (1000 kilogrammes.) Privacy Policy. Did you get it? Except the isochoric heat capacity of earth atmosphere is $C_v=.717kJ*kg^{-1}*K^{-1}$. thanks for the detailed answer! It depends on the specific case or use. That gives you a nice $1,200 km^2$ blast incineration area. Why are players required to record the moves in World Championship Classical games? So, what's their working theory as to why our evil antimatter twins didn't just cancel everything out, long ago? And so do we! This blast radius calculator helps you determine the distance for detonations, after which there would be no fragments. In our case, we're taking the mass of earth plus the mass of the antimatter planet. You'll need a fair bit of antimatter, um, let's see 1 Mt is $4.1\times10^{15} J$ so the Tsar Bomba (in the tested config) at $42MT = 1.72 \times10^{17} J$ In other words, antimatter planets, antimatter stars or antimatter galaxies could be a thing. "Antimatter appears every single time matter appears," Professor Doser says. Its easy to see why secularists, desperate to explain their existence apart from a Creator, would cling to such fantastic notions. So ever since I read a book (Angels and Demons by Dan Brown?) Collisions between high-energy photons can result in a pair of matter/antimatter particles. When groups of people are asked to name the most expensive substance, the variety of answers is hilarious. On the other hand, one milligram of 18F-FDG will contain on the order of 3x10^18 molecules. Antihydrogen cannot be trapped using magnets as it doesnt have an electric charge. 1 gram of antimatter costs $62.5 trillion according to NASA. So not only would they be more powerful than nukes, but also more likely to be used on people. This worksheet is primarily designed to assist mining companies in determining if they should submit form 9-4040-A to the U.S. Geological Survey. For a 10 km dinosaur killer asteroid, 1 kg of antimatter should be sufficient retarget the asteroid -- actually quite a bit less would actually be needed because there are quite a few near earth objects that would need only a tiny orbital deflection to serve the purpose, the largest of these earth crossers, 1866 Sysyphus one of these objects Would it be imperceptible? The fictional bomb works by touching 1 gram of matter to 1 gram of antimatter a substance made of sub-atomic particles with properties opposite those of normal matter particles causing. It basically all reacts at once release an enormous amount if IR -- enough to melt any rock within sight -- followed by a blast wave. Source: Ian Goddard and Cockell, Charles S. Impossible Extinction. The positrons will meet electrons and produce 0.511 MeV gammas, but the protons meeting antiprotons will initially have a quark annihilate an antiquark, producing a gluon that then gets involved in messy hadronization leaving a bunch of mesons (pions and kaons) that then careen away and decay into muons, electrons/positrons, gammas, and neutrinos. If you wanted to blow up the planet you could do so by exploding an antimatter bomb near the Earths core. Strange Frontiers, episode 2:The factory where one of the most expensive and elusive materials is made. Such an asteroid would boil away the oceans and transform the atmosphere into one of steam and molten rock." With about 100,000 ships out there, that's a lot of survivors. [7][8], An antimatter weapon is a part of the plot of the Dan Brown book Angels & Demons and its film adaptation, where it is used in a plot to blow up the Vatican City.[9][5]. Therefore, just by doubling the distance, you'll be shielding yourself from significant exposure. And that means no particles would remain to eventually become people, stars, and galaxies. Antimatter is actually produce by all sorts of things, for instance bananas produce antimatter. Professor Doser and his colleagues need anti-protons. If you want to kill all humans on earth, you have a couple of options: According to this person 57 trillion annihilations at 30 cm gives you 1 rad of radiation. Gas-expansion and pressure-change effects tend to "freeze" the burn rapidly. The energy liberated by one gram of TNT was arbitrarily defined as a matter of convention to be 4184J,[12] which is exactly one kilocalorie. The energy released by a hurricane per day during condensation. As radioisotopes in bananasdecay, they release pairs of electrons and anti-electrons. Unlike Big Bang speculation, these measurements, which are testable and repeatable, were real science. 10 grams of antimatter will annihilate 10 g matter, which just produces 429.6 kT. However for only $600,000 you could fit a 10 millionth of a gram of antimatter into a snipers bullet. Answer (1 of 3): What would happen if we detonated an antimatter bomb on Earth? $<< 10^{32}J$ (gravitational binding energy of Earth), We must use an even bigger bomb. Assuming perfect accuracy and a teleporter? Get all the latest science stories from across the ABC. First, let's talk about blast waves. Why refined oil is cheaper than cold press oil? The TNT equivalent appears in various nuclear weapon control treaties, and has been used to characterize the energy released in asteroid impacts. 7g divided 7 bn ways would equate to about the equivalent of 40 grams of TNT per person, something like a small hand grenade each. [3] Cost [ edit] Antimatter weapons would be the most destructive and powerful in human history, so why dont they exist? You have to give Big Bang scientists credit for their tenacity. There's no way $10^{32} / 10^{17} = 10^{27}$, much less $10^{32} \times 10^{17} = 10^{27}$, no matter where you place any 1.72 multiplicative factor. This international scientific institution in Switzerland is home to the Large Hadron Collider, and it regularly exposes the hidden particles that make up our universe. How to force Unity Editor/TestRunner to run at full speed when in background? Unexpected uint64 behaviour 0xFFFF'FFFF'FFFF'FFFF - 1 = 0? 1 kg of antimatter = 53 megaton yield, 4000 kg antimatter = 212 billion ton TNT, $3.6567*10^{18}kJ*K^{-1} * 200K=7.31310^{20} kJ$. Scientists estimate creating and storing a gram of antimatter would cost in excess of a million billion dollars and require about 25 million billion kilowatt-hours of energy. Matter-antimatter annihilation from a hypothetical macroscopic explosion would produce the same particles as proton-antiproton annihilation in microscopic quantities in accelerator experiments. The same technology could theoretically be used to make very small and possibly "fission-free" (very low nuclear fallout) weapons (see pure fusion weapon).
1 gram of antimatter explosion radius
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